内地原皮を鞣しから仕上げまで全工程を東京都内で行っています。革本来の風合いを保つため、合成化学薬品は一切使用せず、天然植物タンニンのみを使用。革を乾燥させる過程で、今となっては非常に珍しい、昔ながらの製法「釘打ち」という技法を行っています。天然植物由来で肌に馴染むTOKYO NUME LEATHERで究極の経年変化をご体感下さい。
Soft leather that imitates real granite, a specialty of Hyogo Prefecture. Mikage is characterized by its "stone-like appearance" and "soft texture." Each piece is hand-sprayed by a craftsman using a hand spray specially prepared for "Mikage." As all of these processes are done by hand, each piece of leather has a different look.
MIKAGE products are here
Zaza Cloth is made in the Enshu region in the west of Shizuoka prefecture, where it is exposed to plenty of sunlight and dried naturally in the sun. It is dyed by hand by artisans without applying any mechanical pressure or tension to the fabric, and dried in the sun without using a dryer. The fabric itself has a natural look and a deep flavor.
Click here for ZAZA CLOTH products
Nubuck leather is made by lightly rubbing the grain (surface of the leather) with sandpaper or file to create short naps. Nubuck leather is characterized by its fine texture and delicate appearance. Nubuck, which has a brushed grain, can be made thicker and more durable than suede or velour, and the thickness can be adjusted to suit a variety of purposes. This series allows you to enjoy the unique feel of nubuck leather.
Click here for TATUM products
This series uses a linen and wool blended yarn that combines the firmness of linen with the softness and volume of wool. The fabric itself is just the right thickness, giving it a vintage feel. This fabric has also been specially dyed with natural dyes by artisans who have worked on hand towels and furoshiki, making full use of their techniques to create modern materials. Each roll of fabric is carefully crafted over a long period of time without changing the feel of the raw cloth.
Click here for HYBRID LINEN productsCATEGORY